How to Properly Clean and Maintain a Sauna [Introduction]


Few things in life offer the same relaxation and comfort as time spent in a sauna. You can enjoy several benefits while making use of your sauna.

Owning a sauna comes with a set of responsibilities. Knowing how to clean and maintain your sauna correctly can ensure that it functions perfectly and lasts well. 

What should you wear while in a sauna?

If you don't want to wear your swimsuit in a sauna, you can wear something that is made of cotton and comfortable. Cotton clothing that works well in a sauna includes loose-fitting T-shirts, shorts, and cotton wraps. These items of clothing work well in absorbing any excess heat while allowing your skin to breathe. 

It is a good idea to get changed into your cotton sauna clothes just before you step into the sauna. It is recommended to avoid tight underwear, especially bras, as they can lead to significant discomfort in the humidity and high temperatures of a sauna. 

What should you use to clean your sauna?

If you are using your sauna regularly, it is recommended to clean your sauna once a month. If you notice any dirt or stains in your sauna, you can remove them by using a mixture of warm water and mild dish detergent. If you want to clean the floors of your sauna, you can use a mild detergent that is chemical-free. 

It is essential that your sauna isn't running while you clean it because cleaning chemicals can react unpredictably when exposed to high temperatures. Keep the sauna's doors open while you are cleaning to ensure circulation of air. 

Why are towels so essential in a sauna?

Even if you are wearing clothes in a sauna, it is still advised to take a towel into the sauna. A towel is a functional necessity in a sauna because you can place it on the bench before you have a seat. This will keep the seat clean while preventing bacteria from getting in contact with your skin. A towel also offers a convenient way to get rid of excess moisture on your face and neck. 

Why can you not paint your sauna?

Saunas are often made of cedar because it is heat resistant, durable, and pleasant. It is perfectly fine to paint your sauna on the exterior when it comes to painting your sauna. However, the interior of a sauna should never be painted because cedar needs to breathe. Interior paint creates a risk of extremely hot surfaces and the release of toxic chemicals into the hot air of the sauna. 

What should you do after you've been in the sauna?

The health benefits of a sauna are best experienced by alternating between the relaxing sauna's heat and a refreshing, cool shower. It is most common for people to stay in the sauna for up to 15 minutes before taking a 5-minute cool shower. To get the most of your sauna experience, it is recommended that you complete 3 of these cycles. 

When you step out of the sauna, give yourself some time to transition from the heat to the cool environment. The transition phase can take up to 15 minutes, and it is important that you relax during this time, or you will start sweating again. In addition, getting dressed and continuing with your day directly after a sauna session will negate several of the benefits you gained by using the sauna. 

After a sauna session, it is vital to rehydrate. Water, sports drinks, or fruit juices are great options, and alcohol should be avoided as a rehydration drink. You might feel hungry after spending time in a sauna, and it is not uncommon to be craving something salty because you have lost a lot of salt while sweating. Fruit and vegetables are great post-sauna snacks because they aren't too heavy on the body. Watermelon is a popular choice because it adds hydration benefits as well as being delicious and nutritious. 

 How should you care for your sauna heater? 

Here are a few vital steps that should be followed to take care of your sauna heater and rocks:

  • Your sauna's rocks need to be properly cleaned on occasion. It is advised to wait until they are completely cool before you place them in warm soapy water for a soak. You can use a gentle brush to clean them and rinse them in water. It is essential to wait until they are completely dry before putting them back in the sauna heater. 

  • You can clean out the heater and remove any foreign materials while the rocks are soaking. If you notice any broken rocks, avoid placing them back in the heater because the grit that they may leave behind can easily cause damage to the stainless steel of your sauna heater. 

  • After your rocks have dried, place them back in the sauna heater loosely. You want to ensure adequate airflow to your sauna heater, or it will cut out. If your sauna heater cuts out after you have repacked your rocks, try packing your rocks more loosely, and allow only one layer of rocks over the tops of your elements. 

Innovative Saunas & Cellars Inc. Provides Sauna Repair and Sauna Heater Repair

We, Innovative Saunas & Cellars Inc., offer the best sauna and sauna heater repairs when it comes to keeping your sauna running at its best capacity. We not only repair saunas, but we can help you find your dream sauna with our unique designs. With our help, you can enjoy these benefits that saunas provide: 

  • reduction of stress 

  • balancing hormones 

  • reducing incidences of Alzheimer's 

  • reducing signs of aging 

  • improving sports performance 

  • toxins removal 

  • inducing deeper sleep 

  • aiding in weight loss 

  • assisting in a more robust immune system 

  • excellent workout recovery 


Saunas have been providing us with many benefits for decades. You can make a sauna part of your daily routine with our help. We make it possible for you to have an innovative sauna that has been perfectly tailored to suit your needs. 

Interested in a custom home sauna of your own? Contact us! Our expert sauna builders will bring your vision to life.